March 25, 2008


Assignments; submitting assignments late; not submitting assignments at all; learning to listen to rock; playing NFS Underground (Drag mode) instead of working on BE project; football with kids; football against TE mech; football with anyone; bird watching in the college lobby; hanging out in the canteen coz there simply isnt nething better to do; fighting for the assignment with the best handwriting so that copying would be easier; hanging out at datye's or parchure's; getting bored at Id Singh's; running to catch the 8:22; running faster to catch the 8:32; walking blissfully for the 8:52; xeroxing notes at super xeorx; mango juice for 5 Rs; Suruchi beach; White Mischief at GC; coffee at tapri; coffee at the canteen; group study with lalit; celebrating professors' english; going late for lectures; going for coffee between a lecture; proxies; 40- the magic number; KTs; K.T Marg; watching Dil Chahta Hai over and over again; nimbu pani at the station; chay and samosa pav at the canteen; chicken manchurian soup at the canteen; college fest-zeal; late evenings in preparation for zeal; cricket at suruchi; training girls for girls cricket; travelling to churchgate for football tournaments; hunting for bars after loosing in churchgate; finally: exams; study leave and cramming. I could go on and on.....

for 4 years, i lived life. four unforgettable years. I dont how they went... all i know is that they r gone now. and all that is left behind, r sweet memories...